A space for all our tomorrows

A space for all our tomorrows looks at utopia through the lens of disability.

Inspired by the historical artist community Monte Verita, A space for all our tomorrows holds a collection of voices & perspectives on utopia, generated through conversations with disabled and non-disabled artists, workshop participants and students across Switzerland and internationally over the course of two years. 

In A space for all our tomorrows, four performers channel the search for this intangible, imaginary, subjective place. Through movement that swings between intimacy, tenderness, and wildness, they embody the infinite human search for something better, a way towards our dreams, even if our dreams are impossible.  Even if utopia is intangible, maybe the searching does something for us - when we move, we begin to move something. Four performers finding ways to keep going. Four bodies resisting, persevering, refusing to give up.

A space for all our tomorrows is a celebration of how powerful, creative, and resilient disabled people are, the beauty and wisdom their perspectives can hold, and how much they have to contribute to the world.

A performance which is powerful, intense and disorderly all at the same time but also inviting, aiming to create a space to imagine our utopias, leaving people with their own perspective and, above all, the feeling that change is possible.

Commissioned for Lugano Dance Project 2022

Premiere & tour in Migros Culture Percentage Dance Festival Steps, 2022:

April 29th - Delémont, Théâtre du Jura

May 2nd - Geneva, Ecolint Centre des Arts

May 6th - Luzern, Südpol Luzern

May 19th - Solothurn, Stadttheater Solothurn

May 13th & 14th - Zurich, Gessnerallee Zürich

May 16th - St.Gallen, Theater St. Gallen Lokremise

May 18th & 19th - La Chaux-de-Fonds, Temple Allemand ABC - ADN

And at Lugano Dance Project:

May 28th - Lugano, Teatro Foce

Further dates 2022/23:

October 8th - Festival Aperto, Teatro Cavallerrizza, Reggio Emilia, Italy

November 26th - Winterthur, Switzerland

May 2023 - Poschiavo, Switzerland

Tour Dates 2024:

May 3rd & 4th - The Place, London, UK

July 18th - Jacob's Pillow, Becket, Massachusetts, USA

A space for all our tomorrows

Choreography - Annie Hanauer

Co-produced by LAC Lugano Arte & Cultura and Teatro Danzabile, Lugano, Switzerland

Commissioned for Lugano Dance Project, first edition 2022

Dancers - Annie Hanauer, Laila White, Giuseppe Comuniello

Live music - Deborah Lennie

Music Composition - Deborah Lennie, Patrice Grente

Dramaturg - Silja Grüner

Choreographic Assistant / Rehearsal Director- Susanna Recchia

Rehearsal Director (London) - Jen Irons

Lighting Design - Marzio Picchetti

Costume Design- Valentina Golfieri

Audio Description - Camilla Guarino, Vicky Ackroyd

Lighting Technician - Nicolò Baggio

Audio & Video Technician - Pietro Maspero

Production Coordinator - Emanuel Rosenberg

Production - Massimo Monaci, Maurizio Corradini, Susanna Plata, Polina Tallone, Alice Cinzi, Maria Cristina Bartolone

Production UK & USA tour - Lauren Wright -Metal & Water, Maurizio Corradini - LAC Lugano


Stage photos: Caroline Minjolle Migros Cultural Percentage STEPS Dance Festival. Rehearsal Photos: Fiumi Productions
